All students are facing challenging times during COVID-19; however, many students in special education are facing additional difficulties. Often these students are having to cancel specialized medical appointments due to concerns about being exposed to the virus. Needed visits to physical therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, and family physicians may no longer be possible.

Schools are having difficulties meeting the needs of their general education students during COVID-19. Time is taken away from academics for those attending school arranging for social distancing, wearing masks, hand sanitization and even daily temperature checks! Then bring back in the special education students who have sensory and anxiety issues and won’t keep a mask on, fear people in masks, and are not receiving the specialized help that they are entitled to by law.

Online school is even more challenging for special education students. These students have great difficulty staying focused on tasks because of their attention and hyperactivity issues. Still schools are tying to reach their special education population by having their special education teachers work with them.